Project Name: Consultancy Services on the Formulation and Updating of Ozamiz City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2023-2032 Inclusive of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 2023-2026, Zoning Ordinance (ZO), Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA)
March 2023 - Present
The Planning Objectives:
The overriding objective of the planning project is to contribute to a meaningful development of Ozamiz City by providing sound and strategic plans that will guide their actions in the next nine (9) years. Specifically, the project intends to:
Assist the people to articulate their vision and goals for their City;
- Formulate a definitive program of actions to achieve their vision, with due regard to their natural and material endowments, constraints and opportunities;
- Provide the analytical bases for understanding the existing conditions and identifying key sectoral development issues, opportunities, goals, and objectives of the City; and
- Strengthen capacities of the City to self-govern and maximize the opportunities accorded by a decentralized form of governance.
In view of these objectives, the following activities shall be undertaken to update the existing CLUP and CDP of the City. Among other things, the planning project aims to:
- Conduct a review/ assessment of the City’s existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Comprehensive Development Plan;
- Identify overall strategic directions for the City anchored on the vision of its constituents and geared towards overcoming constraints;
- Relate the planned development of the City with the rest of the province and Northern Mindanao Region;
- Determine the development direction that optimizes the City’s comparative advantage based on the present and future opportunities in the planning environment;
- Update the land use plan that will provide the spatial direction of Ozamiz and ensure the preservation of environmental stability and integrity of the City;
- Incorporate all other sectors in the CLUP and CDP pursuant to the HLURB Guidebooks and DILG Guidelines;
- Develop other development control measures to ensure an objective implementation of the CLUP through the effective enforcement of land and water use management policy provisions;
- Prepare sectoral prioritized Programs, Projects and Activities;
- Develop activity designs and facilitate community consultations and workshops that are necessary in the updating of the CLUP, and formulation of the CDP with LDIP; and
- Determine and match land demand and supply based on appropriate planning guidelines, including:
- Formulation of two (2) structure plans/ land use option for stakeholder evaluation and adoption; and
- Detailing the preferred land use option in terms of use/ type, amount, location, based on the highest and best use of land, and on environmental considerations.
Project Name: Consultancy Services for the Formulation and Updating of Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Ozamiz City
March 2023 - Present
The Consultancy's specific objectives are as follows:
- Formulation and updating the City’s CLUP and CDP consistent with the requirements of mandated agencies and to respond to the city’s development challenges and potential;
- Ensure consistency of the CLUP and CDP to be risk-sensitive in order to align with national and regional physical and development plans and incorporation/mainstreaming therein of DRRM/CCA, gender-responsive, and child-friendly policies, among others;
- Review and update the existing Zoning Ordinance and recommend special zones to mainstream the risk-sensitivity of the City. It is also to provide sustainable and balanced solutions to the City’s identified growth centers, such as, but not limited to urban syntax, TOD, easements, setbacks, and open spaces, among others;
- Capacitate and assist the sectoral planning teams in learning the risk-sensitive planning steps for CDP formulation, such as, but not limited to assessing LGU situations using the analytical platforms using the LDIS, PSFM, developing the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) as implementation instruments of the CDP and other relevant processes;
- Utilize existing maps (in GIS file format) and update, if necessary for use by the decision-makers and the technical staff for information, communication, and education campaigns
Project Name: Consultancy Services for the Formulation/ Updating of Pasig City’s Comprehensive Development Plan 2021-2028 and Comprehensive Land and Water Use Plan 2023-2031
March 2021 - Present
The overriding objective of the project is to contribute to a meaningful development of Pasig City by providing sound and strategic plans that will guide their actions in the next nine years:
- Assist the people to articulate their vision and goals for their City;
- Formulate a definitive program of actions to achieve their vision, with due regard to their natural and material endowments, constraints and opportunities;
- Provide the analytical bases for understanding the existing conditions and identifying key sectoral development issues, opportunities, goals, and objectives of the City; and
- Strengthen the capacities of Pasig City to self-govern and maximize the opportunities accorded by a decentralized form of governance
Project Name: Upgrading and Preparation of Amended Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) for the City of Bacoor
November 2018 - Present
The overall objective of the study is to update/revise the existing Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance in order to address and sustain the over-all growth and development of the City. Among other things, the study is aimed to:
- Conduct a review/assessment of the existing Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Comprehensive Development Plans;
- Identify overall strategic directions that are anchored on the vision of its constituents and geared towards overcoming constraints;
- Determine the development direction that optimizes the City’s comparative advantage based on the present and future opportunities in the planning environment
- Update the land use plan that will provide the spatial direction and ensure the preservation of environmental stability and integrity of the City
- Relate the planned development of the City with the rest of the Province and adjoining Metro Manila and other towns in CALABARZON
Project Name: Coastal and Environmental Studies for Pasay Reclamation Projects
September 2021 - Present
The Consultancy’s specific objectives are as follows:
- To provide guidelines in coordination with the SM Smart City Infrastructure Development Corp (SM SCIDC) and Pasay Harbor City Corporation (PHCC) respective Master Development Planners in order to harmonize and to prevent unregulated development and use in the newly reclaimed areas, expanded shore areas and regulate parcel use of the municipal waters by formulating a Sustainable Coastal Ecosystem Management Plan/Program and Operational Plan for the Pasay City Coastal Strategy
- To provide compliance with the various conditions specified in the Environmental Clearance Certificates (ECCs)
- To formulate Development guidelines in order to mitigate if not totally eliminate the risk of the reclamation Projects in Pasay City to the Las Pinas-Paranaque Wetland Park
Project Name: Mandaue City Systematic Transportation Enhancement Projects and Upgrade Plan
April 2023 - Present
The overall objective of this project is for the Consultant to train and mentor the technical personnel of Mandaue City to enable them to contribute significantly in the preparation of a transportation and traffic management plan for Mandaue City.
Specific objectives include:
- Design and administer a capacity-building program on the basic theories, concepts and processes of urban transportation planning and traffic management, taking into account the peculiarities and local development needs of Mandaue City while also considering its role in Metro Cebu and Province as a whole;
- Conduct a practical and hands-on application of theories in transportation planning and traffic engineering through field observation, surveys, and exercises;
- Prepare a multi-period city-wide transportation plan and a traffic management plan for the CBD, with the active participation of the trained technical personnel through a coaching-mentoring program;
- Preparation of draft ordinances to put in place the institutional aspects of the transportation and traffic management plan (TTMP), including the institutionalization of a traffic impact assessment (TIA) system
Project Name: Linking Disaster Risk Governance and Land-Use Planning: The Case of Informal Settlements in Hazard Prone Areas in the Philippines, Tu Dortmound
April 2023 - Present
The project aims at tackling the severe problem of strategic risk reduction under conditions of urban poverty and informal urban development. It aims at developing and testing knowledge-based solutions for mainstreaming risk reduction measures (upgrading and retreat) in settlements with high disaster risk, yet the absence or ineffectiveness of formal planning mechanisms. The research seeks to improve the evidence basis for decisions on sustainable and socially acceptable solutions to the widespread problem of informal settler families living in endangered areas. Moreover, it wants to strengthen the capacity of local and regional actors to properly address these planning problems. This also includes on-site upgrading of the settlement to avoid relocation. The ultimate goal of this effort is to make resettlement and upgraded sites – and thus the city as a whole – more resilient by mainstreaming upgrading and resettlement strategies in urban areas.
The project has the following sub-goals:
- To integrate disaster risk management with comprehensive development strategies and risk-based land-use planning in hazard-prone areas with a particular focus on informal settlements;
- To build resilient communities in upgrading and retreat via disaster risk governance and adapted spatial planning, particularly at the level of informal settlement through participatory coproduction of knowledge for upgrading and retrofitting as a new paradigm; and
- To develop the capacities of stakeholders (LGUs, NGAs, NGOs, private sectors) in building sustainable and disaster-resilient communities
Project Name: Workshops on the formulation and updating of Ozamiz City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2023-2032, Inclusive of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 2023-2026, Zoning Ordinance (ZO), Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA)
March 20-22, 2023
The objectives of the workshop is to:
- Review and understand the rational approach of Land Use Planning in the Philippines
- Understand the Principles and Approaches to the CLUP-CDP Process;
- Understand the steps in Formulating a Vision
- Understand the formulation of the Sector’s Objectives and Strategies through SWOT Analysis.
- Understand the Vision-Reality Gaps Analysis (VRGA) and the Goals-Objectives-Targets-Strategies (GOTS) and;
- Understand the Concepts of Climate Change & Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) and Response Integration, and the Hazards Characterization.
Project Name: Consultancy Services for Mandaue City Systematic Transportation Enhancement Projects and Upgrade Plan
Description of the Project:
One of the components of the Mandaue City- Systematic Transportation Enhancement Projects and Upgrade Plan (MC-STEPUP) is to conduct a Short Training Course on Sustainable Urban Transport Engineering. Planning, and Management (SUTEP), to distinguish it from the previous training course, the counterpart Mandaue staff will be introduced to the principles and methods of urban transport and land use planning in a contemporary Philippine context.
More specifically, SUTEP will provide conceptual and practical tools and techniques for policy analysis, plan formulation and project evaluation while providing additional field observation and exercises to appreciate these concepts and theories in transportation planning and traffic engineering. Furthermore, through case studies, the participants will develop and evaluate transport engineering and management options appropriate for Mandaue City.
Project Name: Linking Disaster Risk Governance and Land-Use Planning: The Case of Informal Settlements in Hazard Prone Areas in the Philippines
Description of the Project:
Work Package 5 of the Linking Disaster Risk Governance Land-Use Planning: The Case of Informal Settlements in Hazard Prone Areas in the Philippines is Capacity Building.
Resilient informal upgrading will only be successful and sustainable, if accompanied by capacity building of stakeholders at the local and national levels as well as in the academia and if results will be broadly disseminated and utilized. This includes the development, conduction and evaluation of training courses for key stakeholders involved in disaster risk management and urban governance. To sustain the knowledge and good practices of disaster risk reduction and management as well as urban governance in the Philippines and the partner countries Thailand and Vietnam, the first part of WP5 is the strengthening of stakeholders’ capabilities and their networks are crucial.
Project Name: Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods
Objectives of the Project:
One of the objectives of the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighborhoods is to strengthen research capacity among urban studies researchers, government officials, and policy makers in the public and private sectors. SHLC hosts a range of events from capacity-strengthening workshops and research seminars to online webinars and international conferences
Project Name: Preliminary work towards the Formulation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of Ozamiz City
December 8-11, 2022
The conduct of preliminary assessment forms part of the initial data gathering activities that are essential in the preparation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).for Ozamiz City. It aims to assess the existing condition of the planning area, identify key sectoral issues and constraints, and determine development potentials and opportunities. Specifically, the field visit intends to achieve the following objectives:
- To analyze the current physical land use of the study area, determine the existing rehabilitation projects, and identify key issues and development constraints;
- To assess the overall environmental state of the City including the inventory of existing biodiversity, environmental infrastructure, and natural resources;
- To determine the existing state of social development within the City particularly on subsectors of housing, health, education, protective services, sports and recreation, and social welfare services;
- To assess the current level of competitiveness of the local economy and identify key issues that can potentially hamper the economic growth;
- To identify the extent and condition of the existing infrastructure and utilities development within the City; and
- To ascertain the institutional capability of the key stakeholders i.e., Barangay LGU, Municipal LGU, People’s Organizations, etc.
It is highly significant to thoroughly analyze the study area and the existing communities prior to the conduct of other planning activities. The findings from the preliminary assessment of key development sectors will help determine the extent of effort and resources that the LGU shall prepare to formulate a rational and effective Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP).
Project Name: Updating of the Amended Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the City of Bacoor, Cavite
December 2018 - December 2022
PLANADES will prepare the City Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Comprehensive Development Plans that will serve as guides in defining the City’s growth up to year 2030 and will cover its total land area of 4,687.76 hectares (or 46.87
- Conduct a review/assessment of the existing Land Use Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Comprehensive Development Plans;
- Identify overall strategic directions that are anchored on the vision of its constituents and geared towards overcoming constraints;
- Determine the development direction that optimizes the CITY’s comparative advantage based on the present and future opportunities in the planning environment;
- Update the land use plan that will provide the spatial direction and ensure the preservation of environmental stability and integrity of the City;
- Relate the planned development of the City with the rest of Province and adjoining Metro Manila and other towns in CALABARZON;
- Prepare the associated comprehensive development plans to support the realization of the development vision and the implementation of the land use plan;
- Prepare a conceptual drainage plan that reduce to the minimum, if not eliminate, the occurrence of flooding in identified flood-prone areas; and
- Prepare an Investment Program to specify the priority projects in the short, medium and long term.
Project Name: Procurement of Consulting Services for the Formulation of a Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for Metro Iloilo and Metro Bacolod
January 2019 - June 2021
Narrative description of the project:
The general objective of the Consultancy Service is to formulated an Urban Infrastructure Master Plan for Metro Iloilo and Metro Bacolod that (i) offers a comprehensive framework to guide decision-makers In the approval of sustainable infrastructure solutions in the form of policies, programs, projects and activities (PPAs) and (ii) is consistent with national, regional, and local development plans.
Detailed description of actual services provided by firm:
- Preparation of the general and detailed work and financial plan
- Conduct of inclusive assessment, identification of potential stakeholders and primary data gathering
- Analysis of the data gathered to come up with feasible policies, strategies and other recommendations
- Preparation and submission of quality reports, including proposed guiding policies
- Preparation of a Strategic and Operational plan
- Pre-Feasibility Formulation
- Consultative workshop
- Training/workshop
Project Name: Formulation of a Settlements Development Model for New Growth Areas in the Philippines
March 2018 - March 2021
Detailed description of actual services provided by firm:
The 24-month project has two components. The first component, covering 12 months, will focus on projecting settlements development in new growth centers in the Philippines. The second component, which will be implemented in 12 months, will make an estimation of the corresponding housing requirements in these new growth areas. This period will also be used to validate the model in a selected site and to train potential users on the application of this model in planning new growth areas and the corresponding settlements.
Essentially, the project will use established planning techniques, such as an analysis of historical trends, identification of the determinants of settlements and housing growth, identification of new growth areas in the Philippines for the period 2018-2035, land and housing supply-demand projection and balancing, and the use of GIS Model Builder to develop a settlements growth model. This model will be validated in an appropriate urbanizing region in the Philippines.
The financing requirements for the projected housing demand will then be estimated. Housing programs and projects by both the government and the private sector will be included in the estimation. Housing typologies for various market segments, including socialized and low-cost housing, will be included in the estimation.
Expected Outputs are the following:
- Settlements development model for new growth areas in the Philippines
- Estimation of projected housing requirements in the new growth areas
- Adoption of a model by a pilot LGU in its Comprehensive Land Use and/or Comprehensive Development Plan
- Training module on the use of the settlement’s development model
Project Name: Procurement of Consulting Services for the Formulation of a Master Plan for the Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Development for the Baguio City- La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) Growth Center
January 2019 - July 2021
Detailed description of actual services provided by firm:
- Preparation of the general and detailed work and financial plan
- Conduct of inclusive assessment, identification of potential stakeholders and primary data gathering
- Analysis of the data gathered to come up with feasible policies, strategies and other recommendations
- Preparation and submission of quality reports, including proposed guiding policies
- Preparation of a Strategic and Operational plan
- Pre-Feasibility Formulation
- Consultative workshop
- Training/workshop
Project Name: Research and Study on the Integrated South Triangle Area and Traffic Signal and Control System
March 2019 - March 2021
Detailed description of actual services provided by firm:
Scope of work includes
- Preparations of a conceptual signal design operation when intersection is found to be warranted for signalling
- Study of traffic flow and review the proposal of LGU on the imposition of one-way flows on roads within the study area;
- Identify which intersections warrant the installation of traffic control signals
- Come up with a preliminary engineering design for the traffic control system.
Project Name: Consultancy Services for the Feasibility Study of a Tram System for Pasig City
December 2018 - April 2019
Detailed description of actual services provided by firm:
- Review of the various plans and initiatives of the City. The study team will review the various transport initiatives done by the City as well as its plans as identified in the City Land and Water Use Plan 2015-2023;
- Presentation of the Initial Assessment will cover the a) analysis and evaluation of the transport network of the City, b) Suitability of a Tram System in Pasig, and c) applicable transport system
- Conceptual Design – the technical features of the recommended alignment will be detailed during this stage with particular focus on structures, stations/terminals, power supply and signalling, and depot facilities. Conceptual design of typical stations (regular and transfer stations), and cabin design
- Operation and Maintenance – details of the network development and connectivity with the rest of the public transport network. The network discusses the route structure, segment phasing (if applicable), the stations and termini, and the depot facilities.
- Financial and Economic Feasibility – preparation of cost estimates that will guide the City regarding investment: cost estimates of project components, right of way cost (affected properties, households, and utilities); civil works, electro-mechanical facilities (vehicle, power supply, signalling, traffic control); depot facilities; and cabins. Develop a financial and economic model that can be utilized to support the project when the City approached prospective partners (bank or private sector).
- Presentation of the final alignment of the system to Pasig City – the recommended final alignment of the system will be presented to the Pasig City Government for decision, highlighting the project evaluation results and the feasibility of the project.
- Finalization of the Feasibility Study Report – taking into consideration the comments of the Pasig City Government during the Final Presentation.
Project Name: Traffic Study for the NAIA Expressway Project
November 2013 - April 2014
PLANADES reviewed available transport/ traffic studies and survey data on the project roads; inspected the prevailing road conditions and land uses; reviewed new and proposed major land development projects within the project influence area; reviewed acceptability and soundness of the NAIA Expressway project traffic forecasts prepared by Vertex Tollways Development, Inc. with the focus on the following:
- General approach and methodology
- Assumptions on future transport and land use activities
- Modeling procedures
- Daily flows by class of vehicles and by direction of flow on the expressway sections and by direction on the expressway sections and at-grade roads
Project Name: Traffic Impact Assessment Study for the Proposed Metro Gaisano Oliver Hypermarket- Antipolo City
October 2013
The primary objective of this study is to develop a traffic study that will guide the Project Proponent and the City of Antipolo and help them to determine the need for any improvements to the adjacent roadway system significantly affected by the development. The purpose of which is to maintain a satisfactory level of service and the appropriate access provisions for a proposed development. Specifically, the traffic impact study will provide the following outputs:
- To evaluate the current traffic conditions on the road network adjacent to the study area.
- To estimate the future traffic volumes near the study area taking into consideration the proposed hypermarket.
- To evaluate the traffic impact of the proposed hypermarket on the surrounding road network.
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of traffic impact mitigation measures, if required.
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of general traffic improvement measures.
Project Name: Feasibility Study for Calbayog Airport Development Project
March 2013
Due to its geologic features consisting of about 7,100 islands, air transportation has been playing a very important role for both passenger and cargo transport in the Republic of the Philippines. There are currently 84 national government airports in the country consisting of ten (10) international, fifteen (15) principal class 1, nineteen (19) principal class 2 and forty (40) community airports. These national government airports are distributed over 10 areas centers as administratively classified by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). Calbayog Airport is categorized as a principal class 2 airport with scheduled domestic flights.
The objectives of the Study consist of the following:
- To review previous master plan and other related studies and formulate a new medium and long term development plan based on relevant socio-economic information and technical data.
- To establish the air travel demand and fully utilize traffic patterns in the area.
- To evaluate the technical, economic and financial viability and assess the environmental impact of the development plan within the framework of the master plan.
- To assess possible financing options to cover the cost of the implementation of the plan.
- To provide concise, comprehensive and descriptive report that will serve as basis for further undertaking/actions/decisions of proper authorities.
Project Name: Feasibility Study for Surigao Airport Development Project
March 2013
Due to its geologic features consisting of about 7,100 islands, air transportation has been playing a very important role for both passenger and cargo transport in the Republic of the Philippines. There are currently 84 national government airports in the country consisting of ten (10) international, fifteen (15) principal class 1, nineteen (19) principal class 2 and forty (40) community airports. These national government airports are distributed over 10 areas centers as administratively classified by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). Surigao Airport is categorized as a principal class 2 airport with scheduled domestic flights.
The objectives of the Study consist of the following:
- To review previous master plan and other related studies and formulate a new medium and long term development plan based on relevant socio-economic information and technical data.
- To establish the air travel demand and fully utilize traffic patterns in the area.
- To evaluate the technical, economic and financial viability and assess the environmental impact of the development plan within the framework of the master plan.
- To assess possible financing options to cover the cost of the implementation of the plan.
- To provide concise, comprehensive and descriptive report that will serve as basis for further undertaking/actions/decisions of proper authorities.
Project Name: Feasibility Study for Bukidnon Airport Development Project
March 2013
Due to its geologic features consisting of about 7,100 islands, air transportation has been playing a very important role for both passenger and cargo transport in the Republic of the Philippines. There are currently 84 national government airports in the country consisting of ten (10) international, fifteen (15) principal class 1, nineteen (19) principal class 2 and forty (40) community airports. These national government airports are distributed over 10 areas centers as administratively classified by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP). Albeit this note, the Province of Bukidnon, for a long time has no airport of its own. Until recently, the nearest airport is one that is located in Cagayan De Oro; however, this was recently closed and the Laguindingan Airport began to serve the air traffic demand in Northern Mindanao. This new airport’s proximity to most areas of Bukidnon became farther notably those in North Central Mindanao. Further to this is with the anticipated developments in North Central Mindanao, notably the Province of Bukidnon, there is a clamor among the stakeholders, particularly the private sector for coming up with the development of an airport in this part of Mindanao. Moreover, the planned relocation of the headquarters of MinDA (Mindanao Development Authority and the anticipated regional developments are expected to boost the demand for an airport. It is for these reasons that this study is being undertaken – to ascertain the viability of developing an airport in North-Central Mindanao, to be situated in the Province of Bukidnon.
This study is expected to come up with the following after its completion:
a) an optimum development plan for a new airport in North-Central Mindanao, particularly in the province of Bukidnon;
b) a site in the province that is considered to be the most feasible in meeting the requirements of the medium and long-term master plan that will be formulated in this study; and
c) a strategy for the phased-development responsive in ensuring the efficient carry-out implementation of the proposed airport.
Project Name: Gerona-Camiling- San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway Pre-feasibility
February - September 2012
The proposed Gerona-Camiling-San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway is a tollway that will provide fast and smooth access between the provinces of Tarlac and Pangasinan. It has a straight-line distance of approximately thirty (30) kms. This will strengthen the circumferential road network in the northwestern part of Tarlac Province which at present has been lagging behind the province’ eastern portion when it comes to road network density. In addition, this aims to improve the accessibility to the socio-economic, agricultural, and tourism assets of the two provinces. It is also intended to reinforce the existing and emerging expressway network that serves Metro Manila, Central Luzon, and Northern Luzon.
This proposed expressway will serve as the northwestern branch of the expressway network in Northern Luzon. Already under construction is the 85-km Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway (TPLEX) which is actually the north extension of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). The TPLEX will be passing through Tarlac City/La Paz-Victoria-Gerona-Paniqui-Moncada in Tarlac Province and through various municipalities in eastern Pangasinan until it reaches Rosario, La Union. Also in the pipeline is the Central Luzon Expressway (CLEX) which will traverse Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, and eventually Cagayan Valley in the east-west direction. The proposed Gerona-Camiling-San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway, the focus of this pre-feasibility study, will branch out from the TPLEX and the SCTEX in the northwest direction. It will be crossing the Tagumbao River which has always separated the western and eastern portions of Gerona and of the province.
Project Name: Traffic Assessment - 878 España Avenue Corner G. Tolentino, City of Manila
September - October 2012
PLANADES conducted a traffic impact assessment studies which covered the following:
- Inventory and evaluation of existing traffic and roadway conditions in the project vicinity
- Estimation of traffic that generates by the proposed developments
- Evaluation of the traffic impact as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed developments
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of mitigation measures
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of general traffic improvement measures where possible
Project Name: Traffic Impact Assessment Study- Condotel at Lot 20, Block 7, General Luna St., Makati City
October - November 2012
PLANADES conducted a traffic impact assessment studies which covered the following:
- Inventory and evaluation of existing traffic and roadway conditions in the project vicinity
- Estimation of traffic that generates by the proposed developments
- Evaluation of the traffic impact as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed developments
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of mitigation measures
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of general traffic improvement measures where possible
Project Name: Consultancy Services for the LRT 1 Extension Ridership Study
July - October 2012
PLANADES conducted transport and traffic surveys for the ridership study for Ayala Land and Metro Pacific. The team conducted travel surveys on the 8 routes, boarding and alighting surveys of the 19 public transport routes, vehicle traffic counts, and origin and destination surveys
Project Name: Traffic Improvement Plan for Intersection of Levi Mariano Road corner Bagong Calzada, Taguig
July - August 2012
PLANADES conducted a traffic impact assessment studies which covered the following:
- Inventory and evaluation of existing traffic and roadway conditions in the project vicinity
- Estimation of traffic that generates by the proposed developments
- Evaluation of the traffic impact as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed developments
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of mitigation measures
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of general traffic improvement measures where possible
Project Name: Traffic Impact Assessment- The Hudson and Crown Asia Residences
June - September 2012
PLANADES conducted a traffic impact assessment studies which covered the following:
- Inventory and evaluation of existing traffic and roadway conditions in the project vicinity
- Estimation of traffic that generates by the proposed developments
- Evaluation of the traffic impact as a result of the traffic generated by the proposed developments
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of mitigation measures
- Identification and conceptual elaboration of general traffic improvement measures where possible
Project Name: Experts in Preliminary Review and Initial Assessment of the Impact of the North Triangle Terminal Project
April 2013
Project Objectives
- To make a preliminary review of the project situation
- To identify potential problems, issues and concerns that may come as a result of a project
- To determine the need for a comprehensive in-depth study of the viability og the NTTP should existing plans be found insufficient to address identified potential problems, issues and concerns.
Approach and Methodology
- Review the institutional aspects related to the construction and operation of the North Triangle Terminal Project (NTTP)
- Undertake capacity analysis of the current design of the NTTP
- Ascertain the factors that should be considered in such a project and conduct an initial assessment of whether or not these have been sufficient considered in the planning and implementation if the project
- Conduct a preliminary comparative analysis of the existing bus terminal system vis-à-vis the NTTP
Project Name: Rapid Impact Socio-Economic Study Study for the Upgrading and Improving pf the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) Project Toll Roads 1 and 2 and Construction of SLEX Project Toll Road 3
March 2013
The scope of the project includes:
- Project Toll Road 1 – rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing 6-lane Alabang viaduct which involves the construction of a new 8-lane superstructure and retrofitting of the existing substructure
- Project Toll Road 2 – full rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion of the existing SLEX from Alabang, Muntinlupa City to Santa Rosa, Laguna from 4-lanes to 8-lanes and from Santa Rosa, Laguna to Calamba, Laguna from 4-lanes to 6-lanes:
- Rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of the existing pavement;
- Construction of an additional traffic lane in each direction;
- Upgrading and extension of the existing drainage system
- Widening of existing underbridges, where necessary, to accommodate the additional traffic lanes;
- Seismic retrofitting to existing underbridges and overpasses, where necessary;
- Repair and/or replacement of the existing boundary fencing; and
- Improvement and/or replacement of ancillary structures
3. Project Toll Road 3 – construction of dual 2-lane carriageway on a new alignment including new bridges and farm crossings, approach roads, retaining and slope protection structure and ancillary work. Additional 1.5 km of dual 2-lane carriageway spur road link to STAR will also be constructed.
Project Name: Traffic Impact Study of Pasig Doctors Medical Centre
May 2012
The conduct of traffic impact study, including the following:
- Review and evaluation of existing traffic and roadway conditions in the project vicinity;
- Identification of background traffic growth for the roadway system of the study area;
- Estimation of traffic that would be generated by the proposed development;
- Evaluation of the level of traffic impact as a result of the estimated traffic to be generated by the proposed development; and
- Identification of possible mitigation and management measures
Project Name: The Mega Manila Public Transport Study
2007 January - 2008 July
The Project involves the updating of the provincial development and physical framework plan geared towards environmental. The Project involves the updating of the provincial development and physical framework plan geared towards environmental protection, human resource development, enhancement of economic growth through harnessing agro-industrial and tourism potentials, and provision of equitable access to social services primarily health and education. This also calls for appropriating funds for various programs, projects and activities that will be identified in the said plans.
The Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) is a plan document that merges the traditionally separate physical framework plan and development plan at the provincial level. The PDPFP contains the longterm vision of the province, identifies development goals, strategies, objectives/targets and corresponding programs/projects/activities (PPAs). It serves as the primary input for the preparation of the Provincial Development Investment Program (PDIP). The PDIP links the list of PPAs through matching them with the financing resources. The PDIP will be implemented annually within a three to six year period. The first three years of the PDIP will be firmed up along the priorities of the incumbent local chief executives.
Project Name: Preparation of Traffic Management Plan for Xavier School of Immaculate Conception Academy
2007 March- - 2008 February
Xavier School has requested that a study be made to assess the current traffic situation and determine possible ways of implementing traffic management solutions to improve traffic and reduce congestion within its campus and that if the Immaculate Conception Academy and in their vicinity.
1. Study objectives
- To study Traffic flow situation
- To study parking supply and demand
- To formulate a comprehensive traffic management plan
2. Work Activities
A. Primary Data Collection – Field Survey
- Traffic Counts at selected points, including turning movements at intersections
- Parking Survey
- Queuing Survey – determine extent of vehicle queus
- Secondary Data Collection
- Enrollment and employment profile of the school
- Documents of past traffic study and traffic management efforts
- Maps: vicinity maps, campus layout
- Inventory of roads and parking facilities
- Committed and planned development within and vicinity of the study area
- Traffic flow analysis
- Parking demand and usage analysis
- Impacts of committed and planned development within and vicinity of the study area
- Assessment of present situation
- Generation of traffic management schemes and selection of preferred scheme
- Development of preferred traffic management scheme (parking, road signs and marking, other traffic devices)
C. Analysis
D. Preparation of comprehensive traffic management plan
Project Name: Study to Determine the Economic Impact of the Improvement of the North Luzon Expressway
2006 November- 2007 June
Detailed Descriptions:
- A key component of the North Luzon Tollway Project of the Manila North Tollways Corporation is the upgrading and improvement of 84 kilometers of the existing North Luzon Expressway.
- The scope of the project includes:
- Upgrading of 84 km resulting in additional 110 lane kilometers.
- Construction of 3 new interchanges at Marilao, Bulacan, Angeles City and Sindalan/Panipuan (Mexico) in Pampanga
- Upgrading and improvement of 10 interchanges
- Construction of 2 flyovers at Balintawak-Novaliches (along Quirino Ave.) and Dau
- Construction of the Balintawak toll barrier about 900 meters north of the existing toll plaza
- An operation and maintenance facility that will serve as the nerve center of the tollways system
- Widening from 3 to 4 lanes in each direction from Balintawak to Malinta
- Widening from 2 to 4 lanes each direction from Burol to Sta. Rita
- Widening from 2 x 2 lanes in each direction from Sta.
- Rita to Balem and the 1 x 2 lanes from Balem to Sta. Ines
- Advance works valued at Php500 million (started in
- February 2000 and substantially completed in May 2001) includes the contractor’s facilities in Pulilan, Bulacan; median fill, median crossing, emergency crossing, drainage works, and widening of river bridges at Tullahan, Malaking Sapa, Meycauayan, Marilao, Bocaue, Balagtas, and Guiguinto.
Project Name: Preparation of a Rapid Impact Socio-Economic Study for the Upgrading and Improvement of the North Luzon Expressway Project Phase 1
2003 November- 2004 March
The key work activities of the project are as follows:
- Review of available transport/traffic studies and survey data on the project roads;
- Ocular inspection of prevailing road conditions and land uses;
- Review of new and proposed major land development projects within the project influence area;
- Review acceptability and soundness of the NAIA Expressway Project traffic forecasts with focus on:
- General approach and methodology
- Project features/parameters based on bid documents;
- Assumptions on future transport and land use activities;
- Modelling procedures; and
- Daily flows by class of vehicles and by direction of flow on the expressway sections and at-grade roads
- Identification of potential risks; and
- Assistance to the client in answering queries of the bank / lenders on the contents of the due diligence report
Project Name: Consulting Services for the Economic Impact of Pedestrianization of an Urban Space in Metro Cebu
January 2019 - August 2019
Detailed description of actual services provided by the firm:
- Define the intended treatment of the roads proposed for pedestrianization (ie. Permanent, limited or temporary closure)
- Determine economic outcomes of pedestrianization within the study area (local revenue, business activities, environment and foot traffic pattern)
- Recommend a public transport plan to support pedestrianization
- Prepare and submit deliverables for review and approval by Usec of NDP (inception report, Draft and Revised Final Reports, inc presentation materials)
- Prepare and submit deliverables for review and approval by NEDA7 regional steering committee: Interim Report and Monthly progress reports
- Brief and orient the NEDA 7 Steering Committee and relevant technical staff on the reports submitted.
Project Name: Sustainable, Healthy, and Learning Cities and Neighborhoods
April 2018
Narrative description of project:
The SHLC brings together a multi-disciplinary academics (including policy and governance specialists on urban development, health and wellbeing, and education) and international experts from seven developing countries (South Africa, Rwanda, Tanzania, India, Bangladesh, Philippines and China). The research will identify changes in urban planning policy and public service as it relates to urban neighborhoods and position this alongside an in-depth study of daily experiences of neighborhood life. It has two overall aims:
- Strengthen research capacity among urban studies researchers, government officials, and policy makers in the public and private sectors; and
- Conduct systematic and comparative studies of urbanization and the formation and differentiation of neighborhoods in urban areas in order to address the challenges associated with urbanization and large-scale rural-to-urban migration in Africa and Asia.
The SHLC addresses three inter-related policy themes: (1) Sustainable health and well-being; (2) inclusive and equitable quality education; and, (3) sustainable cities and communities.
Project Name: Workshops on the formulation and updating of Ozamiz City’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) 2023-2032, Inclusive of the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 2023-2026, Zoning Ordinance (ZO), Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and Executive Legislative Agenda (ELA)
March 20-22, 2023
The objectives of the workshop is to:
- Review and understand the rational approach of Land Use Planning in the Philippines
- Understand the Principles and Approaches to the CLUP-CDP Process;
- Understand the steps in Formulating a Vision
- Understand the formulation of the Sector’s Objectives and Strategies through SWOT Analysis.
- Understand the Vision-Reality Gaps Analysis (VRGA) and the Goals-Objectives-Targets-Strategies (GOTS) and;
- Understand the Concepts of Climate Change & Disaster Risk Assessment (CDRA) and Response Integration, and the Hazards Characterization.
Project Name: Special Course on Transit-Oriented Development for the Asian Development Bank via Remote Learning Approach
October 18-26, 2022
Description of the capacity-building program:
The Asian Development Bank requested PLANADES to design a capacity-building program for its personnel and technical staff to provide them with planning knowledge and skills needed to perform their mandated functions. The ADB’s Urban Development Divisions and country offices will take part in this program as continued efforts to address sustainable urban transport planning and management in the local as well as international arena.
The overall purpose of the training program is to equip the personnel and staff of ADB’s Urban Development Divisions and country offices with adequate understanding of transportation planning systems and management, in particular, on transit-oriented development (TOD). The training program likewise intends to provide a venue for extensive discussions on TOD-related tools and strategies to respond to the challenges of achieving efficient and sustainable urban transportation development.
Project Name: The SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN FOR LAGUNA DE BAY BASIN: LAND and Lake Water Use and Physical Development Plan
November 16-23, 1997
The master plan consist of:
- A watershed level and land use plan;
- An infrastructure development framework plan;
- A preliminary concept design of proposed priority flagship projects based on the inventory and technical and cost validation of existing, pipeline and other proposed priority projects; and
- A two-dimensional/three-dimensional computer-based visualization/ mapping of prioritized infrastructure and other development projects
Project Name: Siargao Island Integrated Ecotourism Sustainable Development and Physical Framework Planning | Provincial Government of Surigao Del Norte
March 2015
Description of the Project:
The Provincial Government of Surigao Del Norte, through a short-term consultancy service, aimed to come up with a Siargao Island Integrated Ecotourism Sustainability Development and Physical Framework Plan. The Plan is built on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) of the nine (9) municipalities in Siargao Island and anchored on ecotourism development using reef-to-ridges ecosystem-based approach. It also facilitated an island-wide convergence of development initiatives including technical support services from national agencies and strengthening inter-LGU alliances to enable vulnerable communities to adapt to climate change and reduce poverty.
The proposed Plan defines the strategic and long-term tourism development directions for the nine (9) municipalities in Siargao Island. The development directions are to generate tourism-related jobs, raise household incomes and public revenues, and consequently increase economic output in the province. The tourism plan’s focus will be to attract and accommodate economic sectors as growth drivers such as: tourism development, real estate, agribusiness, information and communication technology; it will consider current economic activities, resource endowments, as well as the development potential, dynamics and aspirations of each municipality; it will identify the required support infrastructure needed by the targeted productive sectors while the proposed interventions will not be confined to a municipality butwill likely cut across administrative boundaries whenever applicable and considers how these areas fit into the wider vision of Ecotourism development for the Island.
The SIIESD-PFP will complement and build on existing development plan document such as Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) and will dovetail with the on-going updating of the individual CLUPs of the nine municipalities.
Project Name: Updating of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance of the City of Navotas | City Government of Navotas
August 2011
The objective of the Project:
- Assist the people to articulate their vision and goals for their City;
- Formulate a definitive program of actions to achieve their vision, with due regard to their natural and material endowments, constraints and opportunities;
- Provide the analytical bases for understanding the existing conditions and identifying key sectoral development issues, opportunities, goals, and objectives of the City; and
- Strengthen the capacities of Navotas City to self-govern and maximize the opportunities accorded by a decentralized form of governance
Project Name: Updating of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Ecological Profile, Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Development Plan of the Municipality of Mayantoc, Tarlac
December 2013 - March 2014
The objective of the Project:
- Assist the people to articulate their vision and goals for their City;
- Formulate a definitive program of actions to achieve their vision, with due regard to their natural and material endowments, constraints and opportunities;
- Provide the analytical bases for understanding the existing conditions and identifying key sectoral development issues, opportunities, goals, and objectives of the City; and
- Strengthen the capacities of Mayantoc City to self-govern and maximize the opportunities accorded by a decentralized form of governance
Project Name: Relocation of the Hatfmoon Project of Alphaland, Caticlan I San Miguel Corporation
December 2012 - May 2013
Assessment of the study area in terms of the development policies and directions at the regional, provincial and local levels and physical/environmental characteristics and spatial structure including the economic growth trends that likely would influence the land use, locational, and urban design decisions
Project Name: Review and Enhancement of the Mati City Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Comprehensive Development Plan I City Government of Mati
September 2008 - April 2009
The 1st Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of the City of Mati was prepared in 1977, in consonance with Letter of Instruction # 729 issued by then President Ferdinand E. Marcos where all Local Government Units were mandated to prepare its own CDP, with the assistance of the National Coordinating Council on Town Planning and Zoning (NCCTPZ) through its lead agency, the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) regional technical personnel. The Plan underwent review by the Regional Development Council (RDC), the Human Settlement Commission and the NEDA Board.
The said plan covers a 22- year planning period, 1978-2000, and has undergone its first revision only in 1995. The revised ten-year plan which took more than a year to formulate was finally submitted to the Sangguniang Bayan in the later part of 1997 which adopted and approved the same through SB Res. No. 39-1998, and to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in 1998 through SP Res. No. 374-98 and SP Res. No. 185-99.
The SP Resolution No. 185-99 merely changed the title of Res. No. 374-98 into” A Resolution Approving and Ratifying the CY 1995 Municipal Comprehensive Development Plan of the Municipality of Mati, Davao Oriental”.
After eight (8) years since its formulation, and after undergoing assessment, the Local Government Unit felt the need of revising it for the 2nd time since most of its major concerns were already addressed and some are no longer responsive to the goals and objectives of the present administration.
The holding of the yearly Sambuokan and Pujada Bay Festivals is one strategy of inviting people to come and make Mati their destination. Through this activity people from as far as Manila, Cebu and Cagayan de Oro were drawn to Mati and participated in the various events thus promoting its resources especially in the aspect of Tourism Industry.
The entry of foreign funded programs like the Upland Development Programme (UDP), Agrarian Reform Community Development Program (ARCDP), Agrarian Reform Infrastructure Support Project (ARISP), Davao Integrated Development Program (DIDP), and Mindanao Rural Development Program (MRDP) have greatly contributed to the rehabilitation of farms and upland resources with the adoption of soil and water conservation measures thus increasing soil fertility, improve mobility due to the construction of farm to market roads, and more time for entrepreneurial endeavors with water supply just behind the backyard.
On the other hand, through the Mindanao Basic Urban Sector Services Project (MBUSSP) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the LGU was able to obtain a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Construction of the Mati Public Market Complex.
Project Name: Updating/Revisions of the Batangas City Ten-year Comprehensive Development Plan, Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance for CY 2008-2018
November 2008 - May 2009
The current project is the review/updating/revision of the 1998-2008 core planning documents of the Batangas City Government. It is being prepared in line with the overall development thrusts of the city and in support of the ongoing and upcoming projects of the incumbent City Mayor, Hon. Eduardo B. Dimacuha.
The renewal of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) of the City is mandated by the Local Government Code and regulated by the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. These documents provide the overall guiding framework of the city within the given time frame for growth. The planning period for the present study is ten (10) years from 2009-2018.
Undertaking the project are specialist consultants of UP PLANADES among whose major objectives is to provide technical assistance to both the public and private sectors on various aspects of urban and regional planning including project development and management, and feasibility studies. The UP PLANADES, Inc. was honored to have prepared the CLUP and CDP of Batangas City (1998-2007) a decade ago, and hence possesses a distinctive perspective in checking and renewing its past development activities, and identifying its emerging directions.
Batangas City’s current land utilization is anchored on land use policies that shall guide the location and direction of spatial development in the city. As a spatial framework for the CDP, the CLUP is comprehensive in the sense that it covers the entire territorial jurisdiction of the LGU, including areas traditionally managed by national government. The CLUP identifies urban expansion areas as well as protection areas. It directs future settlement development toward identified growth areas therefore guiding and influencing future public and private investments. The CLUP and the CDP are interactive and consistent, so that they address socio-economic and environmental considerations in tandem.
The CLUP serves as a spatial development framework to guide the desired long- term spatial form of the city. The CLUP is required of all LGUs by the Local Government Code, along with the multi-sectoral CDP (Sections 20, 109 and 458, among others). Specifically, the CLUP is the long-term guide to realize the desired spatial pattern of development of the LGU and to regulate private and public investments. The instruments for regulating investments are the Zoning Ordinance (ZO), subdivision regulations, and the revised Building Code as well as positive incentives in the form of liberal taxation and other fiscal policies. On the other hand, the CDP is the guide to public investments implemented through the Local Development Investment Program (LDIP) and the annual budget.
Project Name: Preparation of Master Development Plan, Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance for Marilao, Bulacan
February 2006 - June 2007
The CLUP is intended to, among others:
• promote access to social and economic opportunities,
• enhance travel patterns, and
• preserve and protect habitats of flora and fauna, as well as vital ecosystems such as green open spaces, the Marilao River and its legal easements, urban forests and agricultural lands.
The creation of new as well as the preservation of pre-existing settings were openly advocated by community stakeholders especially in the light of recent physical developments in the municipality. Overall, the plan shall be the guide to future long term policy action and decision-making on land use changes and management. As a “structural framework” to obtain a balance between development and non-development, the CLUP shall locate and delineate areas intended for future urban development and expansion, non-development or protection, and conservation or rehabilitation.
The CLUP therefore embodies the comprehensive land use policy framework of the local government in exercising its authority to “prescribe reasonable limits and restraints on the use of property within its territorial jurisdiction” (Sec. 458, R.A. 7160). Moreover, it shall be the basis for the enactment of a revised zoning ordinance, reclassification of agricultural lands to urban uses, and regulation of subdivision developments, among others. The CLUP subdivides the municipality into four (4) policy areas for planning purposes: settlements, production, protection and infrastructure development. As such, this will leave no portion of the LGU’s territory without any policy guiding its future use.
To ensure the CLUP is aligned with higher level plans, the National Framework for Physical Planning (NFPP), Region III Regional Physical Framework Plan (RPFP) and the Bulacan Provincial Physical Framework Plan (PPFP) were used as major references in land use planning.
Project Name: Preparation of the Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan (PDPFP) and Provincial Development Investment Program (PDIP) for the Province of Tarlac I Provincial Government of Tarlac
December 2007 - May 2008
Rationale of the Project:
The PDPFP is a plan document formulated at the provincial level that merges the traditionally separate provincial physical framework plan and provincial development plan to address the disconnect between spatial and sectoral factors and between medium- and long-term concerns. It contains the long-term vision of the province, and identifies development goals, strategies, objectives/targets and corresponding programs/projects/activities (PPAs) which serve as primary inputs to provincial investment programming and subsequent budgeting and plan implementation.
A Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan shall provide an overall guide for the management, development and sustainable use of the land resources of the province, as well as serve as a framework for the identification of priority areas for development and investments; and Based on the PDPFP, a Provincial Development Investment Program which shall specify a priority list of programs, projects and activities with cost estimates, and the year(s) in which the PPAs will be implemented.
Since the province of Tarlac lies across two (2) super regions, regional concerns such as the Luzon Urban Beltway and the Northern Luzon Agri-Business Quadrangle, as well as the Subic-Clark Alliance Development and their possible impact on the Province were considered in the preparation of the PDPFP and the PDIP. The preparation of both plans also took into consideration the sectoral priorities of the Provincial Government as well as the Governor’s Priority Projects such as having a competitive human resource, provision of health services, provision of housing for the underprivileged, development of the Local Economy, conservation and preservation of the natural environment, and good governance
Project Name: Master Planning of the Kapihan Nature and Adventure Park in Surigao Del Norte as a Flagship Tourism Enterprise Zone
June 2015
Purpose of the Project:
The province of Surigao del Norte is blessed with diverse marine ecosystems ranging from the mangroves along its coastal areas, its sea grass beds, and coral reefs. These marine resources have helped make the province a major game fishing destination. The province is also recognized as a regional surfing destination with annual domestic and international competitions in Siargao Island. Various caves and tunnels also abound such as those found in Sohoton Cove at Bucas Grande Island. These established and emerging tourism destinations along with the Kapihan Nature Adventure Park can be constituted into a tourism circuit that will consequently expand the economic activity and spread its benefits.
Project Name: Proposed Urban Area/ Central Business District Master Planning of San Fernando City, La Union
June 2015
Purpose of the Project:
A coastal city, San Fernando is located about 270 kilometers north-west of Metro Manila. Its access is through Manila North Road (Mac Arthur Highway), or North Luzon Expressway and the newly-constructed Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway (TPLEX). From Baguio City, it is accessible via Naguilian Road.
In line with the vision of being the “health and wellness” center of Ilocos Region, the local government of San Fernando City, La Union has pre-identified key physical development areas, primarily at its urban area, as venue that will further realize the city’s vision. These key areas are selected considering the existing condition and issues that, when addressed through sustainable design and planning, will fortify the city’s vision:
Project Name: Feasibility Study and Master Development Plan of Naval Base Rafael Ramos, Mactan, Cebu
January 2014
The objective of the Feasibility Study and Master Development Plan of the Naval Base – Rafael Ramos will specifically complies the requirements as stated in Section 4-c of RA 7898 (as amended by RA 10349) which states to wit’
Bases/support system development – The AFP modernization program shall entail the development of permanent bases for land, air and naval forces to conform with national defense strategies and the government’s socioeconomics thrust; provide a systematic relocation of AFP units to enhance their capability in the performance of their mission; provide an adequate support system for maneuvers and territorial forces as well as the reserve components; develop bases and camps along standard criteria for space allocation, zoning and efficient correlation of land areas and structure.
Project Name: Conceptual Master Development Planning Consulting Services for the Proposed Developmental Eleven Hectares (11.0 Has) in Dipidio
May 2013
Background of the Project:
PLANADES (the “Planner”) received a request from Oceana Gold (the “Client”) to visit the Project Site located in Barangay Didipio, Municipality of Kasibu in Nueva Vizcaya in relation to the Conceptual Master Development Plan (the “CMDP”) for an 11-hectare (has.) Property (the “Project”). The 11-hectare site is considered a property of Barangay Didipio and is intended as a site for barangay/community facilities. The Planners arrived at the Project Site on May 10, 2013 and were met by Oceana Gold Senior Manager, Ms. Lucy Exconde. The members of the Planning Team were introduced to key representatives of Oceana Gold led by the General Manager of Didipio Operations, Engr. Brennan Lang.
During the 3-day visit to Barangay Didipio from May 10 – 13, 2013, the members of the team met the Barangay Captain and some of his councilors to discuss the facilities (e.g. school, sports facilities, health facility) that the barangay intends to build in the Project Site. An inspection of the Project Site was undertaken by the Planners accompanied by representatives of Oceana Gold and officials of Barangay Didipio. Additional meetings between the Planners and key resource persons associated with the Barangay‟s proposed facilities were also arranged by Oceana Gold representatives. Meetings were arranged with teachers of the Didipio High School and representatives of the Department of Health (provincial level). A High School campus and a health building are just two institutions among several identified facilities that the barangay plans to build in the property. On May 20, 2013, the Client issued the Notice to Proceed to the Planner which marked the official start of the project. It is the understanding of the Planner (UP PLANADES) that the conceptual master development plan will be used as the overall guide for immediate and future developments in the 11-hecatre property owned by Barangay Didipio.
Project Name: Z3 R: Zamboanga Roadmap to Recovery I Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
November 2014
Background of the Project:
Zamboanga has a long history of armed conflict in the struggle for territorial rights. The most recent one was between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) which erupted on September 9, 2013 and lasted until September 29, 2013. The armed conflict, later called the Zamboanga Crisis, created a socio-economic catastrophe in the city. The crisis occurred in six barangays that form part of Zamboanga City’s commercial center and which host key government facilities. Per the December 2, 2013 Post Conflict Needs Assessment Report of the Office of Civil Defense Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council Region IX, “the 21 day siege left over 400 people killed, countless injured, at least 110,000 Internally Persons (IDPs) in evacuation centers; billions in economic loss, over 10,000 residential and commercial establishments burned or completely destroyed.
Because of the above incident, the entire City of Zamboanga is currently experiencing a humanitarian crisis. The most affected group is the IDPs who are having difficulties in leading normal lives as they are unable to meet their basic needs. Hence, there is a need for necessary and urgent interventions to be rolled out to prevent further complications in the health, education, livelihood, and security of the people. In response to the crisis, Pres. Benigno Simeon Aquino III instructed Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Secretary Rogelio L. Singson to lead the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the conflict-affected areas. To plan the next steps for development, DPWH, with the participation of the local government of Zamboanga City, has been tasked to lay down a strategic roadmap to identify programs and projects to pursue the immediate rehabilitation and long-term redevelopment of the conflict-affected areas. It is within this context that DPWH commissioned UP PLANADES (the Consultant) to provide consultancy.
Project Name: Zamboanga City Flooding and Drainage Master Plan I Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
May 2014
Background of the Project:
In the last quarter of 2013, the City of Zamboanga was attacked by insurgents. The siege left in its wake bullet-torn, burnt and abandoned areas in the city which were erstwhile densely populated. Turning tragedy into opportunity, the government has launched a project dubbed as “Zamboanga City Road to Recovery and Reconstruction” or Z3R.
The project is currently at its planning and implementation stage. Having the ultimate purpose of restoring areas in the city badly hit by the siege, the project aims to establish basic infrastructures in the area before resettlement is done, specifically its drainage and flood control system. These infrastructures include an efficient and reliable drainage system that will not only address the present flooding incidents in the city but will also consider future developments in the area.
Project Name: Review and Updating of Existing Core Planning Document of Orani, Bataan I Municipal Government of Orani
June 2012 - December 2012
A. Through the faculty in charge of the planning workshop class, draft a plan of action and a schedule for planning assistance to the Municipality of Orani.
B. Mobilize the planning team of the UP SURP Workshop Class to review and update the Municipal Ecological Profile, Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Comprehensive Development Plan and Local Development Investment Program of the Municipality of Orani.
C. Through the faculty in charge of the planning workshop class, ensure the timely submittal and quality of the revised planning documents.
D. Manage the funds judiciously according to the scope of work and budget set forth in the Terms of Reference.
E. Manage the administrative task related to this undertaking, such as bookkeeping, fund management and accident insurance requirements.
Project Name: Feasibility Study and Master Development Plan of BNS 29.7, Lot 1, Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City I Philippine Navy
July 2011 - December 2011
The objectives of the project study are:
1. Identify opportunities to promote in the property including various types of activities investors in the area will seek or welcome;
2. Identify policy constraints and other issues and concerns that may affect or have implications on the future development and management of the property;
3. Appropriate various types of activities deemed as highest and best uses of the property to include preliminary circulation and vital infrastructure systems;
4. Identify cost of development, and define phasing and programming of proposed capital projects and other development proposals;
5. Determine financial sustainability and economic efficiency where high growth impact fund generation activities will be identified; and
6. Identify feasible arrangements to maximize benefits from the lease and development of the property.
Project Name: Preparation of the Bacolor Comprehensive Rehabilitation Master Plan I National Economic and Development Authority - Region 3
May 2009-August 2009
Background of the Study:
This draft of the Bacolor Comprehensive Rehabilitation Master Plan has been prepared in fulfillment of the requirement of the Bacolor Rehabilitation Council (R.A. 9506) for a planning document to guide it in carrying out its mission. Its preparation was organized through the initiative of the Office of Congressman Aurelio Gonzales and supported by NEDA Region III under the leadership of NEDA Regional Director Remigio Mercado.
This study and the resulting plan were undertaken by UP PLANADES Inc., a non-stock, non-profit foundation engaged in research, consultancy and extension services, academic development and training in environmental, urban and regional planning, and related disciplines. One of its major objectives is to provide technical assistance to both the public and private sectors on various aspects of urban and regional planning including project development and management, and feasibility studies.
Project Name: Area Specific Tourism Master Plan in Mt. Apo and a Detailed Tourism Development Plan for the Three Ridges Integrated Area Development (TRIAD) Barangays Eden, Catigan and Tagurano Department of Tourism (DOT)
July 2006- July 2009
- To prepare a Tourism Development Plan for Mt. Apo that will provide a general framework to guide the planning of area-specific tourism development in Mt. Apo with emphasis on the five (5) identified potential and emerging tourism sub-sites identified by the Department of Tourism (DOT), namely: Malagos, the Triad Area, Barakatan, Sibulan, and Kapatagan; and define general development guidelines for the use, management and development of land resources in these areas including the conservation, preservation, redevelopment, rehabilitation and renewal of existing ecosystems within Mt. Apo;
- In connection with the Tourism Development Plan for Mt. Apo, to prepare a Tourism Master Development Plan for the Three Ridges Integrated Area Development (TRIAD) covering barangays Eden, Catigan and Tagurano and defining, among others, investment opportunities for tourism development taking into account
- future land uses
- infrastructure, utilities and site development requirements
- policy and institutional reforms
- financial and economic analysis of proposed future development
- environmental factors and ecosystem management
- legal constraints and parameters
- business/investment mechanisms and policy environment, and
- manpower requirements to support the long term development of the TRIAD as envisioned by its stakeholders.
Project Name: Bataan Economic Zone Master Development Plan I Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA)
October 2003 - June 2004
The Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) was created by virtue of Republic Act 7916 in 1995 by President Fidel V. Ramos to promote investments, create employment, generate exports, develop the countryside, bring about transfer of technology, and utilize and make idle lands productive by establishing economic zones throughout the Philippines. To date, the PEZA manages and operates four public ecozones and facilitates business operations of and grants fiscal incentives to over 4,242 locators in 392 privately operated ecozones (PEZA Report on Rebooting the Philippine Economic Zone Authority Towards Building Green Industrial and Smart Cities). The four public ecozones managed and operated by PEZA are the Baguio City Economic Zone, Cavite Economic Zone, Mactan Economic Zone, and Pampanga Economic Zone.
Project Name: Development of the Siquijor Provincial Framework Plan (PPFP) I German Technology Cooperation
September 2003 - June 2005
- Asses the state of the draft PPFP, identify the gaps and propose necessary planning methodologies to address the gaps
- Identify the map requirements and the other illustration for the preparation of PPFP and assist the provincial Planning and Development Office staff that is in charge of these maps
- Organize write shop among the different TWGs in order to review and update their inputs to PPFP
- Finalize the PPFP a set of procedures in updating the plan
- Incorporate in the PPFP a set of procedures in updating the plan
- Provide technical assistance to the PPDO in the conduct of public hearings for the PPFP
- Finalize the Siquijor PPFP based on the comments and suggestion raised during the public hearings.
Project Name: Poro Point Special Economic and Freeport Zone Development Framework Plan
July 2002 - December 2002
- Situate the development strategy of the PORO Point Special Economic and Freeport Zone (PPSEFZ) against the local and regional context.
- Assess the economic situation and development potentials PORO Point Special Economic and Freeport Zone (PPSEFZ).
- Prepare a strategic development concept based on an assessment of market dynamics as well as physical and geographical attributes by defining specific activities within the identified cluster.
Project Name: Public Transportation Strategy Study for ALI Development in Mandaue City, Cebu | Ayala Land, Inc.
August 2014
Background of the Project:
Ayalaland Inc. (ALI) is developing a property (codenamed Project Diana) in Barangay Subangdaku, Mandaue City, Cebu into a mix-used development. Since the location of the property is away from the current centers of commercial activity in Cebu City and Mandaue City, ALI sees the need for a public transport strategy which can improve the accessibility of the place, and improve foot traffic. It is in this light that this Study was prepared.
Project Name: Public Transportation Strategy Study for ALI Development in ASEANA Reclamation Project in Paranaque| Ayala Land, Inc.
October 2014
Major Findings:
- The location of the development is within Aseana City, one of the major future growth centers in Metro Manila. Coming from Cavite and Southern Metro Manila, the Aseana City is the first major retail node that the commuters will pass.
- The land uses immediately surrounding the ALI Aseana site caters to users with a predominantly private car user base. So this means that there is currently a weak commuter base within immediate surroundings
- The site is also relatively far from established traditional transport nodes: Baclaran, Pasay Rotonda, Buendia, and is not within walkable distances. This means that there is less opportunity to integrate with nodes with an already established commuter base that the development can tap.
- There are many on-going or planned infrastructure projects which potentially can improve accessibility to the growing urbanized region to the south of Metro Manila. These are the CALA Expressway and LRT1-South Extension. The NAIA Expressway will also improve accessibility between the Reclamation Area and the different CBD’s (Makati and Bonifacio Global City)
Project Name: Transport Planning and Traffic Management Plan for Naga City
June 2014
The City of Naga is located in the Cebu metropolitan area. It is approximately 22 kilometers away from Cebu City and is bounded in the north by the municipality of Minglanilla, in the south by San Fernando Municipality, in the west by Pinamungahan and Toledo City, and in the east by the Bohol Strait.
Naga City has a land area of 9,328.0 hectares, predominantly composed of hilly lands (44.74%), 29.33% almost flat lands, while 25% are rolling terrain devoted to forest and agro-forest areas. Its road network comprises 9 kms of national road, 17.5 kms of provincial road, 3.7411 kms of municipal road, and an undetermined length of barangay road.
Naga City has a population of 115,750 in 2015 spread in 28 barangays.
In consideration of the immediate and strategic needs of Naga City, an updating of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) that embody the desired development path of the City of Naga in a 10-year period is considered necessary. These plans shall guide the social, economic and physical development of Naga in consonance with the people’s desired goals and objectives while satisfying the principles of economic growth, environmental integrity and social development. Essentially, the CLUP and CDP are intended to harmonize multi-stakeholder interests in the community’s growth, future land use pattern and environmental quality.
Moreover, in March 2016, one of the proposed DPWH projects presented to the Provincial Development Council for 2017 by the Second District Engineering Office (2ndDEO) was a study on a seven-kilometer bypass road in Talisay, Minglanilla, and Naga. The 2nd DEO requested that the DPWH regional office initiate a similar proposal that would benefit 13 local government units in Cebu. The integrated road network master plan will cover approximately 200 kilometers. The purpose is to ease the traffic for the 200 percent increase in vehicles from 1995 up to the present, but the road space has increased only by around 10 percent. Therefore there is a need to conduct a review of current plans and strengthen the Road Network component of the CLUP for the city. The aim of the road network component is to improve external accessibility and internal circulation in Naga City in order to address the mobility needs of the people of the city and the surrounding areas. Priority road links will be identified and then subjected to detailed engineering works.
Project Name: Roadmap for Sustainable Urban Development of Metro Cebu | Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)/ALMEC
November 2013
The ultimate objective of this study is to draw up a roadmap and detailed action plan which consists of the following:
- The long-term roadmap (up to 2030, thence up to 2050) in order to realize the Mega Cebu Vision 2050;
- The detailed action plan consisting of priorit y projects for the short term (1 3 years) and medium term (4 6 years); and
- The hazard map covering Metro Cebu and the northern part of Cebu Province
Project Name: Traffic Study for the NAIA Expressway Project I Vertex Tollways Development, Inc.
November 2013 - April 2014
- Review of available transport/traffic studies and survey data on the project roads
- Ocular inspection of prevailing road conditions and land uses
- Review of new and proposed major land development projects within the project influence area
- Review the acceptability and soundness of the NAIA Expressway Project traffic forecasts
- General approach and Methodology
- Project features/parameters based on bid documents
- Assumptions on future transport and land use activities
- Modelling procedure
- Daily flows by class of vehicles and by direction of flow on the expressway section and at grade cost
5. Identification of potential risk
6. Assistance to the owner in answering queries of lenders on the contents of the due diligence report
Project Name: Rapid Impact Socio-Economic Study for the Upgrading and Improving of the South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) Project Toll Roads 1 and 2 and Construction of SLEX Project Toll Road 3 I South Luzon Tollway Corporation
March 2013
Project Background and Rationale:
The South Luzon Tollway Project (SLTP) consists of the rehabilitation of 28.53 km. of the existing South Luzon Expressway (SLEX) from Alabang to Calamba and the construction of 5.81 km. extension of SLEX to Sto. Tomas in Batangas with a 1.79 km spur road to connect SLEX with the existing Southern Tagalog Arterial Road (STAR). The total length of the Project road is approximately 36.13 km. The Project lies within the CALABARZON Region, specifically in the provinces of Laguna and Batangas. The scope of the project includes:
- Project Toll Road 1 – rehabilitation and upgrade of the existing 6-lane Alabang viaduct which involves the construction of a new 8-lane superstructure and retrofitting of the existing substructure
- Project Toll Road 2 – full rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion of the existing SLEX from Alabang, Muntinlupa City to Santa Rosa, Laguna from 4-lanes to 8-lanes and from Santa Rosa, Laguna to Calamba, Laguna from 4-lanes to 6-lanes:
- Rehabilitation and/or reconstruction of the existing pavement;
- Construction of an additional traffic lane in each direction;
- Upgrading and extension of the existing drainage system
- Widening of existing underbridges, where necessary, to accommodate the additional traffic lanes;
- Seismic retrofitting to existing underbridges and overpasses, where necessary;
- Repair and/or replacement of the existing boundary fencing; and
- Improvement and/or replacement of ancillary structures - Project Toll Road 3 – construction of dual 2-lane carriageway on a new alignment including new bridges and farm crossings, approach roads, retaining and slope protection structure and ancillary work. Additional 1.5 km of dual 2-lane carriageway spur road link to STAR will also be constructed.
The scope of the proposed project will directly and indirectly affect development and land use within the project influence areas, especially the areas in Laguna and Batangas.
The net socio-economic effects of these improvements is expected to be positive, that is the social benefits of the improvements – eliminating traffic congestion both on the toll road and parallel roads such as the Manila South Road, decreased travel time and costs, pollution costs and providing opportunities to economically lagging areas through increased employment opportunities, government income, etc.– would largely outweigh the social costs – incremental construction, operating and maintenance costs, foregone agricultural production from the land acquired for the right-of-way as well as the subsequently converted land for industries, increased pollution from generated traffic, and population displacement.
Project Name: Gerona-Camiling-San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway Pre-Feasibility Study I Provincial Government of Tarlac I
February 2012 - September 2012
Background of the Project:
The proposed Gerona-Camiling-San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway is a tollway that will provide fast and smooth access between the provinces of Tarlac and Pangasinan. It has a straightline distance of approximately thirty (30) kms. This will strengthen the circumferential road network in the northwestern part of Tarlac Province which at present has been lagging behind the province’ eastern portion when it comes to road network density. In addition, this aims to improve the accessibility to the socio-economic, agricultural, and tourism assets of the two provinces.
This proposed expressway will serve as the northwestern branch of the expressway network in Northern Luzon. Already in the pipeline is the 85-km Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway which is actually the north extension of the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). The Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway will be passing through Tarlac City/La Paz-Victoria-Gerona-Paniqui-Moncada in Tarlac Province and through various municipalities in Pangasinan until it reaches Rosario, La Union. The proposed Gerona-Camiling-San Clemente (GCSC) Expressway will serve as the northwestern extension of the Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway and also the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway. It will be crossing the Tagumbao River which has always separated the western and eastern portions of Gerona and of the province.
Project Name: Pasig City Central Business District Land Use and Transport Study I City Government of Pasig
September 2010 - July 2011
The overarching goal of the study is to identify and prepare the roadmap for implementation of the required infrastructure, services, governance mechanisms, systems and procedures, and rules and regulations to improve the transport system operation and performance within the Pasig CBD.
Project Name: Preparation of Traffic Management Plan for Xavier School and Immaculate Conception Academy I Xavier School
March 2007 - February 2008
Client Name: Xavier School and Immaculate Conception Academy
- Conducted transport and traffic surveys
- Preparation of a comprehensive transport and traffic plan using GIS, transport models and traffic assignment software consistent with the Pasig City Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and driven by the private sector-led Ortigas Center Master Redevelopment Plan, as revised.
- Formulation Pasig City Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) system and appropriate city ordinance as the governance mechanism to ensure full evaluation of impacts of land and building development in the Pasig CBD, in particular, and for the whole City, in general, and to establish a funding facility for traffic engineering and management activities.
- Preparation guidelines for land use development and traffic engineering and management, including traffic enforcement.
- Strengthening of Pasig City’s staff capability in land use cum transport planning and traffic system analysis.
- Preparation of the implementation strategy for priority transport projects such as the Ortigas-Meralco Avenue grade separation, traffic signal improvement, and Ortigas Center pedestrian walkway system, among others to be identified in the course of the Study.
Project Name: Study to Determine the Economic impact of the Improvement of the North Luzon Expressway I Manila North Tollways Corporation
November 2006- June 2007
Scope of Services
A. Data gathering and collation, which involves among others:
- Collection of data on traffic volumes, including the conduct of a license plate survey.
- Conduct of travel time and delay surveys.
- Conduct of user surveys.
- Preparation of an inventory of infrastructure improvement within and in the vicinity of the NLEX as well as long competing thoroughfares.
- Determination and/or confirmation of traffic management schemes and measures, which are implemented along NLEX and competing thoroughfares.
B. Review of available secondary data sources.
C. Determination of economic impacts of the improvement on the NLEX, which involves the calculation and comparison of the following:
- Vehicle operation cost
- Travel time
- Accidents and related costs
- Effect on land use and land values
E. Other such relevant activities are necessary for the effective completion of the services and the attainment of the objective of this engagement.
Project Name: Preparation of a Rapid Impact Socio-Economic Study for the Upgrading and Improvement of the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Project Phase 1 I Manila North Tollways Corporation (MNTC)
November 2003 - March 2004
The key work activities of the project are as follows:
- Review of available transport/traffic studies and survey data on the project roads;
- Ocular inspection of prevailing road conditions and land uses;
- Review of new and proposed major land development projects within the project influence area;
- Review the acceptability and soundness of the NAIA Expressway Project traffic forecasts with focus on:
- General approach and methodology
- Project features/parameters based on bid documents;
- Assumptions on future transport and land use activities
- Modelling procedures; and
- Daily flows by class of vehicles and by direction of flow on the expressway sections and at-grade roads
- Identification of potential risks; and
- Assistance to the client in answering queries of the bank / lenders on the contents of the due diligence report
Project Name: Roadmap to the Recovery and Rehabilitation of Bogo City, Cebu, City Government of Bogo
April 2014- March 2015
Background of the Project:
The City of Bogo has been considered as one of the most progressive local governments in Cebu Province. Being the only chartered city in Northern Cebu, Bogo is the center of trade and commerce in this part of the province. However, the city has been badly hit by the worst cyclone recorded in the history, typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). The typhoon left thousands of people homeless and displaced. Millions of pesos worth of properties has been damaged or lost. Not only that, the livelihood of thousands of people has been affected. Millions of pesos worth of agricultural crops were destroyed. Fishermen folks lost their boats and could no longer catch fish, their main source of income. While the city braced for an impending economic growth, the typhoon stalled this momentum and left the city with a grim reminder of devastation unleashed by the force of nature.
In the aftermath of typhoon, Bogo City has been littered with tons of debris from damaged houses, buildings, and other structures. The clearing operations have collected volumes of garbage scattered around. The typhoon has also displaced thousands of people. Those who are living in coastal areas are relocated as their homes are washed out by the seawater. With these scenarios, the local government of the city is left with challenging task of recovery. However, aid and relief efforts flock into the city.
Bogo City Recovery Rehablitation Road Map is a guide that will be set in place to facilitate the rehabilitation of Bogo City from the devastation brought by typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan). This program is influenced by the principle of "Building Back Better".
Project Name: Technical Assistance to the Department of Interior and Local Government(DILG) on Government of the Philippines Program for Securing Safety of Informal Settler Families(ISF) in Metro Manila, Australian Aid
May 2013 - December 2014
Phase 1 of the Project targets socio-economic profiling of roughly 19,440 Informal Settler Families (ISFs) residing within the 3-meter easement along eight (8) priority waterways. The 19,440 figure was taken from data collated by the MMDA from Urban Poor Affairs Offices (UPAO) of LGUs where the 8 waterways pass. Subsequent NTWG meetings participated by Component 1 however revealed that the 19,440 figure was taken from census data conducted as early as 2010 among ISFs living beyond the 3-meter easement. Given the new information, Component 1 estimates that for Phase 1 of the project, the final number of ISFs to be interviewed will be lower than 19,440.
The Socio-Economic Profiling activity started on July 19, 2013 after Component 1 received the partial validated list of ISFs in vulnerable barangays along the San Juan River in San Juan City from NHA. The team finished interviewing 314 ISF household heads (HH) in four (4) barangays in three (3) days. The four (4) barangays were: Salapan, Batis, Maytunas and Progresso. The final number of ISFs increased to 501 (refer to Table 1) after DILG, thru Usec. Francisco Fernandez, obtained a legal opinion from the Department of Justice (DOJ) stating that ISFs residing on private properties within the 3-meter easement should be relocated since as provided by the Water Code of the Philippines (P.D. 705), owners of private properties must comply with the 3-meter mandatory easement, i.e. land within 3-meters of any waterway must remain clear of any obstructions. The final number of vulnerable barangays along the San Juan River in San Juan City covered by the survey increased to seven (7).
In the Quezon City side of San Juan River, the survey team was mobilized after the DILG-ISF team released the validated list of ISFs. The survey team started with Barangays Damayang Lagi, Talayan and Sta. Cruz on July 23 and then proceeded to Barangay Roxas on July 24. Barangays Tatalon and Doña Imelda were surveyed on July 25 and 26, respectively.
Project Name: Research Support Survey for Master Planning of National Airports in the Philippines (National Airport Master Planning) Korea Transport Institute (KOTI)
June 2013
Conduct Passenger Surveys
- UP PLANADES and KOTI entered a MOU recognizing that both institutions have common interests on mutual exchanges and joint research in the field of sustainable transportation.
- The aim of the project is to produce mainly Cost/Benefit & Financial Analysis of international passenger terminal project.
1. Location and Sample Size
Within the airports and locations of the survey, passengers with destinations including the 12 airports identified by KOTI will be targeted for interview.
2. Encoding of Survey Data
The Consultant shall oversee the encoding of all survey data into MS Excel format for easy analysis.
3. Basic Analysis and Report Writing
The Consultant shall prepare a report (in electronic form) profiling the basic results of the survey, presenting the general characteristics of the survey respondents and their travel behavior. This report shall be submitted by June 24, 2014. The report shall be accompanied by the survey respondent data in MS Excel format.
Project Name: Enhancing Agriculture and Fisheries Research and Development Management in the Department of Agriculture (DA), Department of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture
May 2005 - April 2005
Background of the Project:
The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) of the Department of Agriculture (DA), is the central body within the DA tasked to ensure that all agricultural research is coordinated and undertaken to maximum utility to agriculture. The BAR is mandated to coordinate, plan, evaluate, integrate, monitor, source, and allocate funds for research activities in the DA and other research institutions for agriculture and fisheries. Under the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA), BAR has provided leadership in the formulation of the integrated research and development agenda and program at the national and regional levels. To further respond to the challenges of agricultural modernization, the critical role of research and other support delivery services in transforming agriculture from a resource-based to a technology-based and market-driven industry needs to be effectively undertaken to address the issues of food security, poverty alleviation, productivity and income, global competitiveness, and people empowerment.
Project Name: Study to Support the Simplification of the Executive and Legislative Agenda (ELA), Philippines-Canada Local Government Support Program Phase II (LGSP)
March 2006 - June 2006
Executive Summary
The Executive – Legislative Agenda (ELA) was conceived to serve as a “powerful vehicle for effective local governance”.
It is a planning document, covering a 3-year period corresponding to the term of local elective officials that is mutually developed and agreed upon by both the executive and legislative departments of the local government unit. It contains the major development thrust and priorities of both departments toward a common vision for the locality.
This term plan will add a greater value to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) by moving them forward to getting implemented and monitored. ELA is also considered as the implementing instrument of the CDP and for that matter, the CLUP, considering that the CDP can also be considered as a toll for implementing the CLUP.
The crafting of the LGU’s CDP for 2010-2016 gave a very tedious and challenging job to the created Technical Working Group (TWG) of the Municipal Development Council (MDC), but made the formulation of the ELA very effortless. Both documents have been the basis of each other, a very complementing document was born out of the CDP, and that is Executive- Legislative Agenda 2013-2016 of the Municipality of Pilar.
The new administration of the executive and legislative branches of government of the municipality hopes to be more focus in the delivery of basic services to its people through the use of this document.
Anchored by its new vision, the ELA 2013-2016 will serve as a development roadmap for the Municipality of Pilar.
Project Name: Developing Community Capacities for Pro-Poor Budgeting and Local Government Accountability for Poverty Reduction, Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO)
October 2003 - September 2005
Project Objectives
The overall objective if the project is to contribute to reducing poverty at the local government level by increasing the participation of the poor and other citizens in tracking poverty incidence, and making local government budgets and expenditures more transparent and accountable.
1. Refine the tools that have been used by various civil society groups in poverty incidence monitoring influencing local government budgeting and monitoring budget expenditures for poverty reduction.
2. Train poor communities to use these tools in their community as well as towards their local government
3. Document and disseminate the process so that the system can be applied in more areas in the country.
Project Name: Social Assessment II Part 1: Land Administration and Management Project (LAMP), Department of Environment and Natural Resources
September 2003 - November 2004
The proposed study aims to (1) assess the extent of registration of subsequent transactions among agricultural landholders who have received title through sporadic titling by DENR, LRA or who have received CLOAs through DAR, and (2) document and assess any reasons for the failure to register subsequent transactions. Based on the findings, the study will propose recommendations for the enhancement of the existing policy, system and procedures for the registration of subsequent transactions on titled properties.
Basically, this study will investigate the level of registration of subsequent transactions among landholders in three selected areas (Leyte, Bohol and Bukidnon) who have been early beneficiaries of sporadic titling activities by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Land Registration Authority (LRA) and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR). These landowners have acquired their land titles directly either through: (i) DENR in the case of Free Patents, Homestead Patents, and Miscellaneous Sales Patents from, (ii) Courts for judicial titles issued by LRA, or (iii) DAR for Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOAs). The major transactions of interest are transfers (through sale, gift, donation or inheritance), mortgage, lease, subdivision and consolidation.
Project Name: Support to Capacity Building for Rural/IP Women in Palawan on Climate Change
September 2011
Client Name: IP Women of Palawan
Description: Identify gender-sensitive strategies to respond to the environment and humanitarian crises caused by climate change.
Detailed description of actual services provided by PLANADES:
- Develop a training design/framework that will help the indigenous people (IP) and women acquire more knowledge on adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change;
- Develop training module on climate change mitigation and adaptation applicable to IPs/rural women;
- Implement the training module in Palawan, purposely to enhance the training module for replication to other rural areas with IPs
Project Name: Coaching for the Preparation and Formulation of Socio-Ecological Profile, Comprehensive Development Plan with Local Development Investment Program, Comprehensive Land Use Plan, and Zoning Ordinance for the Municipality of Sariaya, Quezon
July 2011 - June 2012
The project was envisioned to be fully “participatory” in character, i.e., under the guidance of SURP faculty and staff, the plan documents will be crafted by the Sariaya officials and staff themselves with a view towards complying with the legal requirements and mandates of the Local Government Code of 1991, and the aspirations of the Sariaya inhabitants.
Detailed description of actual services provided by PLANADES:
- Facilitate the conduct of workshops and consultations both in SURP and in Sariaya, Quezon, and provide logistical requirements of SURP-based workshops;
- Provide editorial review of drafts of plan documents and make changes as may be deemed necessary to ensure that outputs are of acceptable quality; and provide a list of data requirements;
- Provide a pro forma outline of Plan Documents as well as blank tables which Sariaya shall fill-out with appropriate data and statistics as inputs to analysis and formulation; and
- Provide resource persons to attend public consultations in Sariaya.
Project Name: Special Training Course in Urban and Regional Planning - Tarlac Province (SCURP), City Government of Tarlac
September 2010
In collaboration with the University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning, PLANADES is offering Special Course on Urban and Regional Planning: A Basic Course in Urban and Regional Planning for the Province of Tarlac
The training program serves as an orientation-cum-introductory course in the basic concepts, processes and methodologies of urban and regional planning. The course also provides updates on the latest approaches, tools and techniques in the profession.
The five-day training program includes topics on the following: The Philippine Planning System, Population and Social Development, Local Economic Development, Estate Planning and Management, Public Works Planning, Transport Planning and Traffic Management, Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Public Private Partnership, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Concepts and Strategies, Strategical Environmental Assessment, Smart Growth/Green Urbanism, among the other topics.
Project Name: Harnessing Barangay Urban Planning Skills Course (2012-2013)
May 2014
This training program as described in the accompanying proposal which forms and integral part of this contract introduces briefly the local planning system framework and then focuses on relating the Comprehensive Land Use Plans and Comprehensive Development plans and projects. The major contents of the course include among others, analyzing and planning the development sectors and sub-sectors from a barangay spatial perspective, linking barangay initiatives to the city development plan and investment program, and appreciating the planning process as a habit of good governance.
Moreover, as requested, the training will touch on current spatial issues and relevant topics such as green urbanism in response to climate change and disaster preparedness that relates to the barangay. The course contents are envisioned to provide sufficient substantive and procedural knowledge about comprehensive development planning to allow the participants comprising mostly of barangay planning or administrative staff to effectively carry out their function as facilitators and advocates of comprehensive planning in their respective stations.
Project Name: Customized Local Urban Management and Planning Seminar for Quirino Province (CLUPS 2013) Provincial Government of Quirino
September 2013
Scope of the Project:
UP PLANADES rendered its services to the Provincial Government of Quirino to formulate a conceptual plan. A successful and sustainable tourism industry would need proper development that is able to address potential social, economic, and environmental impacts. The conceptual plan will help identify potential impacts and come up with development management mechanisms in order to properly address said impacts and optimize the benefits of tourism for local stakeholders and the sustainability of the 2 identified tourism sites. The environmental conditions have also been evaluated to come up with the most appropriate ecotourism. Accompanying environmental management plan and framework were also drafted to conserve the natural resources in the identified sites and to protect the integrity of the environment in order to sustain its tourism potential.
Project Name: Special Course on Urban and Regional Planning: A Basic Course in Urban and Regional Planning (SCURP: ABC in URP) | League of Cities
February 2014
In collaboration with the University of the Philippines School of Urban and Regional Planning, PLANADES is offering Special Course on Urban and Regional Planning: A Basic Course in Urban and Regional Planning.
The training program serves as an orientation-cum-introductory course in the basic concepts, processes and methodologies of urban and regional planning. The course also provides updates on the latest approaches, tools and techniques in the profession.
The five-day training program includes topics on the following: The Philippine Planning System, Population and Social Development, Local Economic Development, Estate Planning and Management, Public Works Planning, Transport Planning and Traffic Management, Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Public Private Partnership, Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Concepts and Strategies, Strategical Environmental Assessment, Smart Growth/Green Urbanism, among the other topics.
Project Name: Developing a Knowledge Management and Exchange System: Special Course on Urban and Regional Planning for Cities Various | City Governments
February 2014- April 2014
The training program serves as an orientation-cum-introductory course on the basic concepts, processes and methodologies of urban and regional planning. Furthermore, the program also provides updates on the latest approaches, tools and techniques in the profession.
The five-day training program is designed to enhance capabilities of the functionaries of national agencies, local government units and professionals who are involved in planning-related activities. This course also caters to individuals who wish to pursue graduate education and/or career in planning.
Project Name: Building the Resilience and Awareness of Metro Manila Communities to Natural Disasters and Climate Change impacts Program: Preparatory Phase: Capacity Building Team (BRACE) I Australian Aid
March 2012 - April 2013
UP PLANADES was commissioned by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) in October 2009 to design and conduct the BRACE Program or Building the Resilience and Awareness of Metro Manila Communities to Natural Disasters and Climate Change Impacts Program to reduce the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of Metro Manila communities to the impacts of natural disasters and climate change – starting with the Taguig City Government (TCG). The Program, which is scheduled to commence in mid-2012, consists of four (4) interrelated components that will be pursued with various partners under different management arrangements:
Component 1: Risk Analysis
Component 2: Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
Component 3: Risk-sensitive Land Use Planning
Component 4: Building Safer Settlements.
Project Name: Customized Urban Planning Seminar for HUDCC 2012 I Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC)
October 2012
UP PLANADES rendered its services to the Provincial Government of Quirino to formulate a conceptual plan. A successful and sustainable tourism industry would need proper development that is able to address potential social, economic, and environmental impacts. The conceptual plan will help identify potential impacts and come up with development management mechanisms in order to properly address said impacts and optimize the benefits of tourism for local stakeholders and the sustainability of the 2 identified tourism sites. The environmental conditions have also been evaluated to come up with the most appropriate ecotourism. Accompanying environmental management plan and framework were also drafted to conserve the natural resources in the identified sites and to protect the integrity of the environment in order to sustain its tourism potential.
Project Name: ToT on MEAs and Coaching on the Actual Mainstreaming of National Action Plans (NAPs) on UNCHD, UNFCC and UNCCD to Barangay Development Plans Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
September 2011
DENR required the service of UP PLANADES to implement/ develop the Trainor's training on MEAs and Coaching on the actual mainstreaming of National Action Plans (NAPs) on UNCBD, UNFCC and INCCD to Barangay Development Plans (BDPs). In this engagement, PLANADES [provided professional experts to develop the training design and content; formulated, designed, and conduct a training program for ToT that will provide the trainers with the necessary knowledge on mainstreaming NAPs on biodiversity. climate change and land degradation; conducted pilot training for two barangays for mainstreaming NAPs of biodiversity, climate change, and land degradation; and prepared terminal report.
Project Name: Technical Assistance for the Preparation of the Project Completion Report (PCR) for the MDGF 1656 Joint Programme on Strengthening the Philippines' Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change I Department of Environment and Natural Resources
March 2012 - August 2012
In policy formulation, PLANADES provided technical assistance for the Preparation of the Project Completion Report for the MDG-F 1656 Joint Programme on Strengthening the Philippines’ Institutional Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change in 2012.
Project Name: Capacity Building Strategy and Appropriate Tools for Adoption of the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA)- Enhanced Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) Applications
July 2011- November 2011
Detailed description of actual services provided by PLANADES:
PLANADES facilitated the development of a Capacity Building Strategy and appropriate tools for adoption of the CCA-enhance EIA guidelines in coordination with the DENR-EMB and NEDA.- Identified stakeholders that should be capacitated for the effective adoption of the CCA enhanced EIA Guidelines;
- Conducted a rapid training needs assessment for stakeholders identified by NEDA, DENR-EMB
- Developed a Capacity Building Strategy
- Formulated a Capacity Building Program on the CCA-Enhanced EIA Guidelines that contains: capacity development strategies, results of the training needs assessment and curriculum design and module plan
- Developed and packaged a training manual which contains the training plan and application of the CCA-enhance EIA Guidelines
Contact US
- SURP Building, E. Jacinto St., UP Diliman, Quezon City
- 02-83325034 / +63 917-701-3833
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